Thursday, 17 March 2011

The dog back from the dead

the barking news
the dog back from the dead!
Breaking news of a dog found still alive when the owner though her dog was dead for 6 months. The owner Sarah Gordon owned a mixed puddle named bubbles who died 6 months ago due to old age and other problems from the dogs body condition. at the age of 15 years old in human years, the dog was buried 15 feet away from the owners house and at 6:12 am at June/6/2010 in the morning owner Sarah Gordon hear something hitting her door and she quickly open the door with her dog covered in dirt and looking at her with white eyes. the owner said "i thought i was dreaming but when i saw his eyes it looked like your looking at the devil. but i remember he was my loving dog." after she saw the dog she quickly took it in and called the vet next day tell him the whole story. the veterinary said " hearing her was tell me this, i thought she was on drugs. but as she was telling me that she wanted to show me. i agreed and after 30 minutes she came i was shocked to see that what she said was true .the dog was sent to studying." the dog was sent to special lab in new York and scientist Robert white said " the following cells in his body were new cells developed from the soil around the dead dog and make his body parts not decompose but rebuild his body parts and heal him but not only that the cells made his body in better shape it also made him be able to dig out, this process takes time but this cell is going to be tested in the future and is giving the name, zombie cells. " the dog now is off research after 3 months and is currently living in Texas with his owner in a little house out in the country. she says that even if he is ugly in the outside, he is the most beautiful dog in the inside. More news will be put up in late 2011 about the cells and how it can be used in hospitals but for now time will tell.

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